In this JSON document, we have information about children enrolled in a summer camp.

Data Handling

1. 'data.children[0]' accesses the array of chldin in the 'data' object and retrives the first child and Accesses the nested name object to get the first name and last name of the child.
firstChild.age: Accesses the age property of the child. The console.log statements displays the retrieved information

const firstChild = data.children[0];
    console.log("First child's name:",,;
    console.log("First child's age:", firstChild.age);

Now lets apply all this to our JSON document

Child Information

Data Manipulation

const newChild = { ... }: Defines a new child object with the specified properties.
data.children.push(newChild): Adds the new child to the array of children in the data object.

// Adding a new child to the data
    const newChild = {
      childID: 987654321,
      name: { firstName: "Emma", lastName: "Smith" },
      age: 9,
      gender: "Female",
      address: { street: "789 Avenue", city: "Thunder Bay", province: "Ontario", zip: "L2B 3C4" },
      dietaryRestrictions: { allergy: "Milk", restrictions: "None" },
      medicalInformation: { medication: "Asthma inhaler", medicalCondition: "Asthma" },
      contact: { parentsName: "Michael Smith", parentPhone: "555-555-5555" },
      emergencyContact: { emergencyName: "Michael Smith", emergencyNumber: "123-456-7890" },
      campProgram: "Nature Explorer",

Now lets apply it to our JSON document


// Serializing the data to JSON
            const jsonData = JSON.stringify(data, null, 2);
            // Deserializing JSON back to a JavaScript object
            const parsedData = JSON.parse(jsonData);
            // Checking if the deserialized data is the same as the original data
            console.log("Is data equal to parsedData?", JSON.stringify(data) === JSON.stringify(parsedData));

JSON.stringify(data, null, 2): Converts the data object to a JSON-formatted string with an indentation of 2 spaces. This is useful for readability.
JSON.parse(jsonData): Parses the JSON-formatted string (jsonData) back into a JavaScript object.
The console.log statement checks if the deserialized data is equal to the original data. This is done by comparing the JSON-formatted strings of the original and parsed data.

Now lets apply this to our JSON document